Introducing: Lita

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I am Ukrainian with Vietnamese origin and I am 21 years old. My undergraduate is International relations. I had an internship in the Ministry of information policy of Ukraine and I was an account manager for PR agency Noblet Media in Kyiv. I am very good at geography quizzes, I can name you all the flags and capitals, really love history, especially about Soviet Union, and random interesting facts. Not bad at swimming and diving, I am going to participate in shark conservation volunteering in Caribbean Sea. Also, I love to create beautiful things with my hands โ€“ I can give you master classes on making flower crowns, crocheting or cooking. GLOCAL is a hub of talented and people, they inspire me to be better and remind me that there is no limit for self-development. The job which best suits me is international clients and MICE manager. Now I am trying hard to learn Arabic and one day I will travel the Middle East as Gertrude Bell. Later I will start my business in Ukraine, a language school for kids.

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